Career milestones:

2023: Conferment of the Venia Docendi (Habiliation) on ‘Farm Animal Health’ by the University of Bern
2020-2022: Post-doctoral researcher at the Vetsuisse-Faculty, CH, work focuses: antimicrobial use and resistance, foot diseases in bovines and ovines, intestinal microbiome
2020: PhD at the Vetsuisse-Faculty of Bern, CH, Thesis topic: Animal Health – Reducing Antimicrobial Resistance in Bovines: The 'Outdoor Veal Calf' (Freiluftkalb)
2015: DVM at the Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse, FR, Thesis topic: Animal Health – Vaccine Development against Influenza Viruses
2014: Graduation from Vet School LMU Munich, DE

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